RSL Sales was founded in 1996. From early on, our goal was to bring a different approach to the Representative business. One of the earliest decisions we made was to commit to never serving more than a handful of trusted and well respected brands.
This allows us to spend time developing projects with Plumbing Engineers, and then to see these projects through to the end while providing on-site assistance to the installing Contractor. We provide a Factory Representative feel for our manufacturers. We offer immediate response, and a face-to-face trusted relationship with the Engineers, Contractors, and Wholesalers in our market. Today, we still serve many of the companies that we originally started in business with. Trust, stability, and dependability are the bedrock of what our company is built on.
As RSL Sales has evolved, we have chosen to try and concentrate our efforts on brands that are American made. By making this choice we support American manufacturers, American jobs and American families. We feel that always being there for our customers and helping them choose brands that are forged in quality, and strong American values, will serve our company and customers well for many years to come.
Lee Schneeweiss

Inside Sales - Office Manager
Brigitte recently celebrated her 20th year with RSL Sales. In that time, she has served as the trusted go to for all of our customers. She has always been that friendly voice on the phone that can get answers and make certain that customer's needs are met. In that time she has also proved to be a never wavering helping hand for all of us.

Keys- Boca Raton
Mario is a fixture in the South Florida plumbing community. He has spent over thirty years calling on Engineers, contractors, and wholesalers in his market. Everyone in the South Florida plumbing community knows that "Dr. Rubines'" tenacity, determination and refusal to give up will always be used to help get the job done. Mario came to Miami as a small boy from Cuba, and brought with him the ability to find a solution no matter what the challenge is.

Naples - Tampa Bay
David joined the RSL team after having spent nearly twenty years as a professional plumber. David's hands on background and experience has given him the ability to see solutions from the customer's perspective. David's very strong organizational skills and pragmatic style have allowed him to become a trusted source with all of the Engineer's in his market.

Orlando- Ocala
Before joining the RSL Team nearly 15 years ago, David spent time working in the field with one of the state's largest plumbing contractors. After apprenticing in the field, David moved into purchasing with this contractor. Spending time in the field, and on the other side of the desk, has given the unique perspective of being able to understand how he can best serve his customers.

West Palm - Jacksonville
As a founding partner, and our agency Principal, Lee has had a lifetime of experience in the plumbing industry. Calling on customers today that he delivered pipe nipples to as a teenager. During his time at RSL Sales, Lee has lived and worked in every major metropolitan area and has long-term
relationships with Owners & Principals throughout the state.

Statewide- Sioux Chief Specialist
Weston is the newest member of the RSL Sales team, joining us in July of 2019. Weston brought years of experience working with one of Daytona Beaches largest Wholesalers to create quotes and manage large contractor accounts. As our Sioux Chief Specialist, Weston works throughout the state visiting Plumbing Engineers & Plumbing Contractors.

Team Mascot
This is Leila-Barker, and she always lives up to her name. She is unrelenting and tenacious. What she has taught all of us is that you have to always go after that ball. Even if you get a mouthful of sand, you have to keep going after that ball!